The Big Four Plant Sourced Diets

"Confused? Trying to choose a plant-based diet?"

Discover How To Pick the 'Right' Plant-Based Diet to Help You Reach Your Personal Health and Wellness Goals..."

the big four plant sourced diets hand book

Trying to Pick Which Plant-Sourced Diet is Right For You Is Really Confusing

Sure, food items loaded with sugar, salt and addictively delicious artificial ingredients might taste amazing, but you know that they are not healthy for you. Besides, fresh fruits and vegetables eaten as nature intended, with minimal processing and human interference, are not only delicious, but they are incredibly healthy as well.

If you have been considering switching to a plant-based diet, then you probably already know that eating highly processed foods, as well as lots of dairy products and meat, is not the healthiest way to chow down.

On the other hand, you may be up in the air about how significant a positive impact eating plant-sourced foods can be in your life and others, as well as the health of the planet.

If you are sitting on the fence, trying to decide whether to continue eating meat, dairy and or strictly vegan, there are a number of reasons people choose plant-sourced diets…

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Help Me, to Help You, So We Can Help Others


I have been in the health industry for more than 20 years. To be a successful leader and coach, to establish a ‘career’ in this industry is based on one thing Achieving incredible results. No magic potions, no gimmicks and short cuts. Also, for me most importantly, is achieving results with Integrity. Wanting to contribute to the improvement of others, to see others achieve goals, be successful, to give hope, guidance, motivation to live a happier, healthy, energized and successful life. So they can continue to share their passion and positively influence others again, and again. It’s the power of sharing and contribution.

My ultimate objective is to impact 1 million lives. Through health, education, contribution and giving back to those less fortunate all over the world. When you invest in yourself, you are investing in a much higher level of achievement. You are also giving back and contributing to those who have less, much less and need more from us who are more fortunate.

For that, I thank you, and will do everything I can to make the world a better place, and help those in need to get the support and assistance they truly need to have a healthy, meaningful life.

Why You Should Switch to a Plant-Based Diet ...

  • Vegetarians lose weight at the rate of approximately 1 pound every week … without hours of exercise!
  • As many as 20 vegans can live off the same amount of land that is required to feed 1 meat eater.
  • Just in the United States, reducing meat consumption by 10% would mean an additional 10 million tons of grain that could feed 60 million starving people around the world.
  • Eating meat means consuming high levels of saturated fat. Saturated fat is associated with type II diabetes, which in turn makes you 200% as likely to suffer from a stroke or heart disease.
  • The Diabetes Federation says 387 million people around the world have diabetes, an entirely preventable disease. Plant-based diets are linked with much lower diabetes risk.
  • The Harvard School of Public Health suggests a plant-based diet for lowering high blood pressure by as much as 30% to 50%.
  • Eating 8+ servings of vegetables and fruits each day will make you 30% less likely to have a stroke or heart attack.
Going vegetarian Tip : Start with simple success. Remove red meat or pork from your diet.

Those statistics are just the tip of the iceberg regarding how negative eating meat, dairy products and process foods can be to you, as well as to others.

It is also extremely harmful to our planet. The cruel, almost sadistic, way that farm animals are treated is reason enough to pursue other, healthier eating options. When you realize that plant-based eating makes you healthier, happier and stronger, allows you to live longer, promotes sustainable living and treats our animal friends in a kind, compassionate way as well, it really doesn’t make sense not to eat this way.

The big question is…

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Which of the dozens of plant-based dietary plans should you choose?

Should you go vegan or vegetarian, eat raw foods or whole foods, or enjoy mostly plant-sourced foods while allowing for a minimal amount of meat and dairy.
Once you started investigating plant-based diet plans, you may have run into “analysis paralysis”. There are so many plans to choose from, and you simply don’t have the time to invest in researching all of them.

So you put off eating smart for one more day, one leads to weight, and before you know it, your health is still suffering because you are eating enough plant-based foods.

Don’t worry, because we have done all the research for you. We have identified the “Big 4” diet plans that focus on eating plant foods, and we chose the 4 diets to recommend to you because they deliver the following benefits, just to name a few …

vegan top : Volunteer a vegan- friendly enter or two when invited to a holiday dinner

“What Are The Benefits of Making the Switch?”

  • Quick and lasting weight loss.
  • Lower diabetes risk
  • Better heart health
  • Reduce your risk cancer
  • Slow down the aging process
  • Improve brain function
  • Lower risk of diabetes and obesity
  • Younger looking skin and hair
  • More natural energy
  • A stronger immune system, which means an improved resistance against illness, infection and disease of all kinds

Choosing from among the top 4 plant-based diet plans is easy when you read …

critical plant based easting tip : plan your weekly shopping list

"The Big Four Plant Sourced Diets Handbook:"

Vegan, Vegetarian, Raw Foods, Plant-Based

the big four plant soured diets handbook



Click the Add to Cart button to get your copy today!

In this Special Report you'll discover ...

  • The main differences between Plant-Based, Vegetarian, Vegan and Raw Food diets.
  • All of the different versions of a vegetarian diet, so you can choose the one that is right for you.
  • Health considerations with vitamins and supplements recommendations
  • Why the Mediterranean Diet is so good for your heart
  • How a Vegan diet is not only incredibly good for your mind and body, but also for the planet
  • What eating “raw foods” and “whole foods” really means
  • Discover why the Okinawa Diet can help you live longer, enjoying those extra years in great health
  • The “not enough protein” myth that may have kept you from adopting a plant-sourced diet in the past
  • Exactly what foods you will be eating on each of the “Big 4” plant-centric diet plans
  • The pros and cons of each of these wonderfully nutritious ways of eating
  • …and much, much more!

How Can I Use This Powerful Resource Right Now?

You can own “The Big 4 Plant Sourced Diets Handbook” today for a mere $9.00.That is a truly incredible deal, especially considering the significant difference it will make to your success.

Stop spending all your time researching, and start spending your time eating the wonderful foods which lead to so many incredible health benefits.

This guide takes all the guesswork out of adopting a healthy approach to nutrition, and is available for instant access through a digital download for only $9.00.

Please click the Add To Cart button right now and take ownership of this valuable resource TODAY!


"The Big Four Plant Sourced Diets Handbook:"

Vegan, Vegetarian, Raw Foods, Plant-Based

the big four plant soured diets handbook



Click the Add to Cart button to get your copy today!

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